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DIOLDIOL – Develop Innovative Offshore Logistic accommodating the needs from the Esbjerg Declaration

Granted in April 2023, DIOL runs for 4 years (until 2027-03) with 13 partners from Denmark, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany

Why: According to the ambitious Esbjerg Declaration the renewable offshore energy production in the North Sea area will see a large increase over the coming years including large new wind farms and energy islands.

To achieve this goal the energy production must become more transnational, efficient, and green with a greater collaboration between countries and partners in the North Sea both during the construction, the exploitation and maintenance phases.

This transnational energy production goal requires collaborative, standardized and streamlined logistic services over the entire offshore zone including the energy islands.

How: DIOL aims at strengthening collaboration with the most central logistics hubs in the North Sea region to set out innovative and harmonised logistics services and to motivate shared investments in “seamless” network of platforms and equipment. Today there are great variations in the logistics in e.g., Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark. The Esbjerg declaration calls for joint approaches for the production, the installation or the maintenance of the farms.

What: DIOL is granted by the Interreg NSR program, priority 2.2: A green transition. DIOL partners will study and test new green and innovative logistic solutions combining air, sea and land ones, improving information and coordination between all parties, in response to the Esbjerg declaration.

SeaTopic in DIOL: SeaTopic is charged to propose, prototype and test an easy access platform to environmental data (e.g. sea state, currents winds) and operational data (location of the logistic vessels, drones, AUV, etc.). The core idea is to exploit the S100 data format and the maritime web services for data exchange that would enable sharing the situational picture in real time either offshore (on the ECDIS) or onshore (logistic control centres) , integrating eventually additional information provided by the actors (eg airborne) as an additional layer. DIOL will allow introducing modern e-maritime services into the offshore community. A first demonstrator will be installed in the port of Brest.

DIOL Partners:

Denmark – Airport of Esbjerg (Lead), Municipality of Esbjerg, Port of Esbjerg
Germany – Nports (Cuxhaven, Emden)
The Netherlands – Airport of Den Helder
Belgium – Port of Oostende
France – Port of Brest
Scientific partner: VIVES BE  – Fraunhofer DE
Private company partner: SeaTopic FR – Brittany Aviation FR – H2X FR – AquaSmart NL – Skeydrone BE
Observers: Port of Nantes FR + Region de Brittagne FR

Budget: 7,3 M€ EU co-funding: 60%

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